
Want to sponsor this event?

If you would like to be our sponsor, you can review our sponsoship package here :

Sponsorship USD 15.200 USD 10.200 USD 7.500 USD 4.000 USD 2.000
No. Benefits Diamond Platinum Gold Silver Bronze
1 Invited speech in the conference (30 min)
2 Two invitations for selected session (10 min each)
3 One invitation for selected session (10 min)
4 One invitation for presentation in the pre-conference workshop (30 min)
5 Standard booth (3x2 m2), incl. Table and Chair.
6 Marketing area (2x1 m2), incl. Table and Chair.
7 Verbal acknowledgment during the event’s opening and closing remarks
8 Company logo placement on event promotional materials (Flyer, Conference Kit, Website, and etc)

Sponsorship Proposal

You can download and review our sponsorship proposal here :